Supported Devices

FBB Tracker

Device Summary

The FBB Tracker device is a cutting-edge satellite tracking solution designed to provide reliable and accurate asset-tracking capabilities in remote and challenging environments. Integrated with the GSatTrack platform, the FBB Tracker offers users real-time monitoring, communication, and data reporting functionalities, making it ideal for various applications across multiple industries.

Data Usage Profile

The FBBTracker uses UDP packets to transmit its location every 5 minutes. Since the airtime usage is so low, the fixed reporting rate of 5 minutes consumes less than 1MB of traffic per month if the PDP context is left open. There is a minimum billing increment per open PDP context so leaving the connection open is greatly preferred.

  • Each position report consumes 2 packets, one from the vessel to the ground, and a return acknowledgment.
  • Outbound FBBTracker To Portal:
  • Size of Ethernet frame - 24 Bytes
  • Size of IPv4 Header (without any options) - 20 bytes
  • Size of UDP header - 8 bytes
  • Size of FBBTracker packet - 25 bytes
  • Total size of UDP datagram - 24 + 20 + 8 + 25 = 77 bytes
  • Return Acknowledgement from Portal To FBBTracker:
  • Size of Ethernet frame - 24 Bytes
  • Size of IPv4 Header (without any options) - 20 bytes
  • Size of UDP header - 8 bytes
  • Size of Acknowledgement packet - 2 bytes
  • Total size of Acknowledgement UDP datagram - 24 + 20 + 8 + 2 = 54 bytes
  • Total airtime consumption per report - 54 + 77: 131 bytes

Total airtime consumption per month 131 bytes _ 12 reports per hour _ 24 hours * 31 days = 1,169,568 bytes or ~1.2MB

Data Usage Profile

Traffic destination can be updated through the web console -> Administration -> System -> Scheduled Tasks -> tracking (ip) (port)

Additional Information

Key Features

  • Global Coverage: Operates via satellite communication, ensuring connectivity and tracking capabilities in remote locations where cellular coverage is unavailable.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Provides continuous location updates, allowing users to monitor the position and movement of assets in real time.
  • Two-Way Communication: Supports bidirectional messaging, enabling users to send and receive information from the field.
  • Durable Construction: Designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and rugged environments, ensuring reliable performance in diverse scenarios.
  • Integrated GPS Technology: Offers precise location tracking and navigation capabilities, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Customizable Alerts: Users can set up alerts for various parameters, such as geofence breaches or speed changes, facilitating proactive asset management.

Use Cases

  • Maritime Operations: Used by shipping companies to track vessels in real-time, monitor cargo conditions, and maintain communication with crews, ensuring safety and operational efficiency.
  • Remote Field Operations: Ideal for industries such as oil and gas, where personnel can use the device to communicate and report data from remote sites, enhancing safety and coordination.
  • Disaster Response: Deployed by emergency services to track response teams and assets during natural disasters, enabling better coordination and resource allocation.
  • Wildlife Monitoring: Utilized by conservationists to track and monitor animal movements in their natural habitats, aiding in research and conservation efforts.
  • Fleet Management: Employed by logistics companies to monitor fleet vehicles, optimize routes, and improve operational efficiency through real-time tracking and data analysis.
  • Adventure Sports: Popular among outdoor enthusiasts such as hikers and climbers for tracking their routes, sharing locations with friends and family, and ensuring safety in remote areas.

See Also

Supporting Features
