

#--- type: gsattrackpdf title: Contacts


Feature Summary

The Contacts feature in GSatTrack is critical for managing communication within the asset-tracking ecosystem. It enables users to store and organize SMS-capable phone numbers and email addresses, facilitating streamlined notifications and alerts related to asset management. By providing a centralized contact management system, GSatTrack empowers asset managers and portal operators to maintain effective communication channels within and outside the platform.


Contacts in GSatTrack are designed to support various portal functionalities, enhancing the operational efficiency of users. Each contact is treated as a single delivery destination for messages, eliminating the complexities of managing multiple email addresses or phone numbers associated with a single individual. This simplicity allows for more precise communication pathways, ensuring that essential notifications reach the intended recipients without confusion.

How to Use

How-To: Add Contact

  1. Go to the Navigation menu and click on ‘Add Item.’

  2. Click on ‘Add Contact’

  3. Fill out the information for the required fields, which are:

    1. Name

    2. Type (Email/phone number)

  4. Fill out the information for any other optional fields

  5. Click on ‘Create Contact’

How-To: Edit Contact

  1. Go to the Navigation menu and click on the ‘Manage’ icon
  2. Click on the ‘Contact’ icon
  3. Click on the ‘Edit’ icon next to the desired Garmin Form
  4. Make desired changes and click ‘Save Changes.’

How-To: Delete Contact

  1. Go to the Navigation menu and click on the ‘Manage’ icon
  2. Click on the ‘Contact’ icon
  3. Click on the ‘Delete’ icon next to the desired Contact
  4. Click ‘Delete’ on the popup window

Additional Information

Introduction to Contacts

A Contact is a stored SMS-capable phone number or email address. Contacts exist primarily to support the functionality of other portal features, first by streamlining the processes and activity of portal operators and also by giving Asset Managers control over communications within and outside the portal.

The portal's contacts do not have multiple email addresses or phone numbers tied to them, as users would find in other types of software that manage people and their contact information. Each Contact in the portal should instead be considered a single delivery destination (SMS or email) for messages from the portal.

Contact Types

  • Email: This is a standard email address. The portal will send messages to this type of contact via standard email.
  • Free SMS: SMS text messages with no fees associated with the receiving number. The portal will send messages to this type of contact as plain text with no additional characteristics.
  • Paid SMS: SMS text messages with fees associated with the receiving number. The portal will require users to accept all charges before it will send messages to this number, and notifications will be sent as plain text with no additional characteristics.
  • Emergency Contact: This can be either an SMS or email destination; if indicated as an Emergency Contact, the destination address will automatically receive notifications from the portal whenever emergency protocols are triggered.

Contact Fields

  • Rate Limits: Minimum minutes between notification messages from the portal, with separate options for standard and emergency notifications.
  • Notification Language: Recipient’s language preference.
  • Notification Speed Display: Speed units to be displayed in the notification information.
  • Lat/Lng Format: Coordinate format for display in the notification information.
  • Fuel Units: The notification information will display fuel units (liter, gallon, miles, kilometers).
  • Timezone: Timezone to be displayed in the notification information.
  • OpenPGP Public Key: This key allows the encryption of messages. It must be configured. See the OpenPGP article for details.

Contacts in the Manage Module

Once created, users can find a list of all Contacts in the Manage Module under Contacts. The page offers several options for interacting with the Contact list:

  • Add Contact: Opens the Add Item page with the Add Contact form.
  • Import Contacts: This opens the Bulk Uploads tool, which allows users to import contacts in bulk instead of loading them one by one.
  • Edit: Users can modify the information in the fields next to each contact.
  • Delete: Next to each contact, users can delete the contact (this action cannot be undone).
  • Send Test Message: Automatically generates a message from the portal and sends it to the listed destination. If the number is a phone number, the message will be sent as an SMS; if it is an email contact, it will be sent as a standard text email.

Contacts with Other Features

Several features utilize the Contacts list to perform actions or set up communication and alert systems related to device activity:

  • Contacts and Alerts: When setting up an Alert, users can configure it to send notifications to any email address or phone number saved as a Contact in the portal. For more information, see the Alerts article.
  • Contacts and Reports: Users can schedule certain types of Reports to run automatically and be sent to the Contact of choice upon completion. To use this feature, users must create a Contact for the email address to which they wish to export the Scheduled Report, making it an option on the Schedule Report form.
  • Contacts and Users: Contacts exist in the portal as objects that can be assigned to users. The primary user on the account has to create/delete access for Contacts, while non-administrators can only access Contacts assigned to them.

Key Features

  • Centralized Contact Management: Users can easily manage a list of contacts for streamlined communication, ensuring critical messages are dispatched promptly.
  • Multi-Channel Communication: Support for SMS and email notifications allows users to reach contacts via their preferred communication method.
  • Emergency Protocols: Designated emergency contacts receive immediate alerts during critical situations, enhancing safety and responsiveness.
  • Rate Limiting and Preferences: Users can set rate limits, language preferences, and notification settings to tailor communication to recipient needs.
  • Bulk Import Options: Importing contacts in bulk saves time and simplifies the management process, especially for larger organizations.
  • Integration with Alerts and Reports: Contacts can be leveraged for alerts and scheduled reports, ensuring relevant stakeholders receive timely information.

Use Cases

Organizations can enhance communication strategies by implementing the Contacts feature in GSatTrack, ensuring critical information reaches the right individuals efficiently and effectively. The Contacts feature finds application in various industries and scenarios:

  • Asset Management: Asset managers can set up contacts for immediate notifications regarding asset status changes, ensuring timely responses to issues.
  • Emergency Response: Organizations can designate emergency contacts to receive immediate alerts during critical incidents, facilitating swift action.
  • Operational Communication: Portal operators can streamline communications with team members by sending updates and notifications to relevant contacts.
  • Scheduled Reporting: Users can automate report delivery to specific contacts, ensuring stakeholders receive essential data without manual intervention.
  • Customer Notifications: Businesses can utilize contacts to notify customers about service updates, delivery statuses, or emergencies, enhancing customer relations.

See Also

Supporting Features

Canned Message Group