Mobile Application



Add Asset Within GSatTrack Portal

  1. Go to and login to the GSatTrack portal

  2. In the ‘Navigation Menu’ click on the ‘Add Item’ icon

  3. Click on ‘Add Asset’

  4. Under ‘Name’, type in the desired Asset name

  5. Under ‘Devices’ select:

    a. ‘Apple’ and ‘iPhone’ in the adjacent box for iOS devices

    b. ‘Google’ and ‘Android’ in the adjacent box for non iOS devices

  6. Fill in Asset Credentials:

    a. Under ‘Mobile username’, type in the desired Asset username

    b. Under ‘Mobile password’, type in the desired password

  7. Fill in optional fields as desired then select ‘Create Asset’ button


  1. Go to 'Google Play store'

  2. Search ‘GSatTrack’ in the search bar

  3. Select the application and click ‘INSTALL’

  4. Select ‘Accept’ and wait for the app to install

  5. Select the ‘OPEN’ button

  6. Use the ‘Mobile username/password’ created with Asset

  7. Select ‘Login’

iOS Devices

  1. Go to ‘App Store’

  2. Search ‘GSatTrack’ in the search bar

  3. Select the application and click ‘INSTALL’

  4. Select ‘Accept’ and wait for the app to install

  5. Select the ‘OPEN’ button

  6. Use the ‘Mobile username/password’ created with Asset

  7. Select ‘Login’

Tracking Behavior

Position reports are controlled by the underlying OS location notification mechanisms, and the application provides a variety of settings and options to modify this behavior. Apple devices report based on motion and change of location notifications and, therefore, will send very few reports while stationary and many reports while making significant changes to location. Android devices have a configurable location capture interval ranging from 15 seconds to 24 hours.

Android Devices - Capture Interval

The faster the reporting rate, the lower the overall battery life.

  1. In the app, go to ‘Settings’

  2. Select ‘Capture Interval’

  3. Select the desired reporting frequency.

Apple Devices - Interval

The GPS Sensitivity setting in the app influences how frequently moving updates are made:

  1. In the app, go to ‘Settings’

  2. Select ‘Capture Interval’

  3. Select the desired reporting frequency.

The default setting is “Default 100m”, which typically sends a report if the user moves more than 100 meters. This uses a combination of WiFi access point monitoring and/or GPS, if necessary, to save battery.

You can configure faster reporting, increasing the overall battery consumption with each of the following successively faster reporting rates:

  • Higher Accuracy Bat Drain -

  • Always On Bat Drain --

  • Navigation Bat Drain ---

And you can configure slower reporting and lower battery consumption with the following successively slower reporting rates:

  • Cell Tower Only Bat Saver +

  • Cell Tower Only Bat Saver ++

Map Layers: Communication Satellites