Data Management

Driver Management

Feature Summary

The Driver Management feature in GSatTrack is an essential tool for asset managers. It enables them to generate and maintain accurate records related to the use of assets and the activities of their operators. This feature provides a comprehensive system for tracking driver assignments, auditing operations, and maintaining logs crucial for regulatory compliance and performance assessment.


Driver Management in GSatTrack offers a robust framework for managing asset operators, often called "Drivers." It was initially implemented to meet regulatory compliance requirements but has evolved to support broader operational needs. The system allows for detailed tracking of driver activities, providing insights into who was operating an asset at any given time, which is invaluable for assessing responsibility in incidents and evaluating performance.

Additional Information

Drivers and Their Role

Drivers in GSatTrack are asset operators. The feature set caters primarily to vehicle-related operations, supporting regulatory compliance and facilitating accounting practices for freelancers. Drivers can be assigned to assets and log into them, creating logs that tie their activities to asset operations. This integration allows for advanced reporting and performance monitoring.

Driver Fields

  • First Name and Last Name: Basic identification of the driver.
  • Username and Password: Used for logging in on supported devices.
  • Duress Password: A unique password allowing drivers to signal emergencies discreetly.
  • iButton ID and Phone Number: Additional identification and contact information.
  • Blood Type: Non-functional, for emergency information relay.
  • License Details: Number, expiration, and any restrictions.
  • Manager and Emergency Contacts: Non-functional fields for reference.
  • Photo: This can include a driver's photo or relevant licenses for easy identification.

Managing Drivers and Status Templates

The Manage Module provides the interface for viewing and managing driver profiles. Administrators can create, edit, and delete drivers and manage their status templates, which streamlines the logging process for drivers.

Driver Status Templates

Templates simplify logging by allowing drivers to select predefined statuses with a single click. Common statuses include active, off duty, resting, delivering, and in distress. Each template can have multiple statuses, and drivers can log their activities against these templates.

Assigning Drivers and Templates

To enable logging, drivers and their status templates need to be assigned to assets. This process involves selecting the desired asset, assigning drivers, and selecting a status template. This setup ensures that all driver activities are accurately logged and reported.

Driver Logging

Once assigned, drivers can log into assets to record their activities. These logs provide a comprehensive view of driver operations, including trip details, duration, and associated notes. Users can view logs and replay trips from the Driver Log within the Asset Details panel.

Key Features

  • Detailed Driver Logs: Capture and review comprehensive logs of driver activities, including trips and statuses.
  • Duress Alerts: Enhance safety with duress passwords that alert managers to emergencies.
  • Integration with Reporting: Use driver logs with advanced reporting features for performance assessment.
  • Customizable Status Templates: Streamline driver logging with pre-defined status options.
  • Robust Driver Profiles: Maintain detailed records for each driver, including personal, contact, and license information.

Use Cases

By implementing the Driver Management feature in GSatTrack, organizations can streamline their operations, enhance safety, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards, all while gaining valuable insights into driver performance and asset utilization.

  • Fleet Management: Track and assess driver performance, ensuring regulatory compliance and operational efficiency.

  • Incident Analysis: Identify the responsibilities of the incidents by reviewing detailed driver logs.

  • Safety Monitoring: Use duress alerts to enhance driver safety and respond promptly to emergencies.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Maintain accurate records for audits and compliance reporting.

  • Performance Evaluation: Compare driver performance using logs and reports to identify areas for improvement.

See Also

Supporting Features

Data Export