
Terminal Management

Feature Summary

The Terminal Management feature in GSatTrack provides asset managers with a comprehensive toolset to configure attributes, set parameters, and execute commands for terminals that support two-way communications. This feature enables remote control and management of devices, ensuring efficient asset operation and monitoring.


Terminal Management is an extensive and powerful tool allowing users to manage their assets effectively from a centralized platform. Administrators can modify critical attributes of each asset, manage user access, configure input/output settings, set alerts, and adjust various operational parameters. This feature is crucial for organizations that rely on real-time data and control over their assets, enabling seamless interaction and oversight from anywhere.

How to Use

  1. Access Terminal Management:

    1. To open the Terminal Management options for an Asset, click the gear icon in the List Panel for the desired Asset and then select "Edit Asset."
  2. Main Section:

    1. Set and modify the Asset’s attributes, including:

      1. Name
      2. Device ID Number (IMEI, MSID, etc.)
      3. Sensitivity
      4. Icon
      5. Color
  3. Groups Section:

    1. Manage the Groups to which the Asset belongs. Toggle the check marks to add or remove the Asset from available Groups.
  4. Users Section:

    1. Manage user access to the Asset. Toggle the check marks to add or remove access for portal users.
  5. Attributes Section:

    1. Fill in device-specific fields to store relevant information about the Asset. For details, refer to the feature article on Attributes.
  6. I/O Section:

  7. Configure I/O mapping for the device:

    1. Set analog tolerance for voltage variance.
    2. Use I/O mapping templates from a dropdown or create your own.
    3. Manually insert the I/O map for the device.
  8. Driver Section:

  9. Set the Driver for the device using a dropdown list or pull driver information and status for logged-in drivers.

  10. Alerts Section:

  11. View and manage all Alerts tied to the Asset. Edit or remove Alerts as needed.

  12. Settings Section:

  13. Configure various settings for the Asset, including:

    1. Out-of-service status
    2. Visualization options (lines between positions, snapping lines to roads)
    3. Suppressing emergency alerts
    4. Message handling and security settings
    5. Current status information for various operational parameters

Additional Information

Terminal Management is a powerful toolset that enables asset managers to configure attributes, set parameters, and execute commands over the air for devices that support two-way communications. The main section allows managers to modify each asset's specific attributes, including name, device ID, sensitivity, icon, and color.

The Groups section allows the management of asset group memberships, while the Users section facilitates access control for other users. The Attributes section is dedicated to storing pertinent information about the Asset.

The I/O section enables input/output mapping configuration, allowing users to set up analog tolerances and manage templates. The Driver section allows users to select a driver associated with the device. Alerts can be tied to the Asset, and users can modify these alerts as necessary. The Settings section contains a variety of operational parameters that can be configured to customize the Asset's reporting and visibility in the portal.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Asset Management: Manage and configure attributes, groups, users, and settings for each asset.
  • Two-Way Communication: Remotely execute commands and control devices that support two-way communications.
  • Customizable Alerts: Set and manage alerts based on asset activity and operational status.
  • Input/Output Configuration: Configure I/O mapping for devices, enhancing monitoring capabilities.
  • User and Group Access Control: Easily manage which users and groups can access and interact with assets.

Use Cases

  • Asset Monitoring: Continuously monitor the status and performance of assets in real-time, allowing for quick responses to alerts or issues.

  • Remote Control: Execute commands over the air to control devices, such as remotely rebooting a terminal or changing settings.

  • Custom Alerts: Set up alerts for specific conditions, enabling immediate action when assets go out of service or exhibit unusual behavior.

  • User Management: Manage user permissions to control access to sensitive asset data, ensuring that only authorized personnel can interact with specific assets.

  • Operational Efficiency: Streamline asset management processes by centralizing control and monitoring capabilities, improving overall operational efficiency.

See Also

Supporting Features

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