Spool Directories


Iridiumd is a daemon process that runs both SBD (Short Burst Data) and SMS (Short Message Service). SBD and SMS don’t interact with each other, but they are put in the same daemon for better management of modem access and to reuse code where their functionalities overlap.

Spool Directories

Spool directories are lockless, supporting one reader and multiple writers. This requires writes to be made to a temp file on the same file system for which a tmp directory is provided. Once the new file is populated and closed, the destination directory is listed to determine the next file name and the atomic rename system call is used to move it there. If another process preempts the writer and the destination file already exists, the call simply fails and the writer increments the file name and rename attempt until it succeeds.

Base DirectorySubdirectoryStorage/fsWriterReaderDescription
/sd/var/spool/smsinmicrosd ext4smssmsMT SMS messages are spooled here upon receipt from modem in the format of the header from the CMGL command “” and then the PDU hex.
/sd/var/spool/smsoutmicrosd ext4smssmsMO SMS PDUs stored in raw format.
/sd/var/spool/smstmpmicrosd ext4Directory to write temporary files to so that they can be atomically renamed to either in or out. This directory must always be on the same filesystem. This is key to lockless operation with potentially multiple writers.
/var/spool/asteriskin -> outgoingtmpfssymlink
/var/spool/asteriskouttmpfsasterisksmsMO SMS messages spooled from asterisk dial plan and picked up by sms daemon.
/var/spool/asteriskoutgoingtmpfssmsasteriskThis name is hard-coded by asterisk, although it is logically used for inbound messages.
Base Directory/sd/var/spool/smsStorage/fsWriterReaderDescription
insmssmsMT SMS messages are spooled here upon receipt from modem in the format of the header from the CMGL command “” and then the PDU hex.