Getting Started
Quick Start
Installing and setting up the MCG-101 v2 is a fairly simple process. The Quick Start section below outlines the steps needed to quickly install the device and start using it.

To quickly connect your MCG-101 v2 device use the following steps:
- Connect GPS antenna
- Connect Iridium antenna
- Connect WiFi antennas
- Connect power supply
- Connect your device to WiFI access point
Antenna Setup
When mounting the antenna on a vehicle, make sure there is no large obstruction blocking its view of the sky.
Ship Mounting
The antenna can be installed in many different locations on board. Make sure that the antenna has a clear view of the sky and there is no large obstruction blocking its view of the sky.
The antenna must not be on the same plane as the radar equipment. It is best to keep it away from radar and other RF interference for best performance.
Building Mounting
When mounting the antenna on a building, make sure that there is no obstruction blocking its view of the sky.
WiFi Antenna
The WiFi Antennas connect to the back of the MCG-101 v2. Use the follow steps to connect the WiFi Antennas to your device:
- Gently screw in the WiFi Antenna to the WiFi Connector
- Rotate the Antenna and bend at the elbow pointing upward
Back Side

Back Side: WiFi Antennas Connected

SIM Card Setup
If you purchased airtime or a SIM card for your MCG-101 unit, your satellite provider will most likely have already inserted the SIM card into the unit for you. Most providers ship SIM cards unactivated, however, so you will have to request activation of your SIM card in order to begin testing and using your system. MCG-101 can use both prepaid, postpaid and crew SIM cards.
Once you are ready to begin using your unit, call or email your satellite dealer to request airtime activation. Generally, activation takes a few hours, but it can take up to 48 hours to cycle through the Iridium system. Once your airtime is activated your validity period for prepaid airtime will start. If you have postpaid airtime, your contract start date will begin with the activation date.
If you did not purchase airtime or a SIM card at the time you purchased the MCG-101, you will need to choose airtime and receive a SIM card. Please follow instructions under “Insert or Switch out SIM Card” to insert the SIM card into the MCG-101 unit yourself.
Power Setup
The 12V DC 2A Power Supply simply plugs into the front of the MCG-101 v2 and into your outlet of choice. The Power Supply comes with additional Outlet Adapters that can easily be swapped. The Power Supply provides DC Output of 12V @ 2A DC (Center Positive)

Power Consumption
The MCG-101 v2 consumes a maximum of 8W or 27 BTU per hour, but can accept between 9V and 36V as input.
Configuration Guide
The following section discusses how to verify the MCG-101 v2 is correctly configured to make sure it is set up and working properly.
Key MCG-101 router settings
Default Setting | Value | Where to Manage |
WiFi SSID (name) | MCG-XXXXXX | |
IP Address | |, LAN interface, click Edit |
MCG Web Interface | | |
MCG Web Login | admin/GSEadmin | |
SBD Samba Inbox | \\sbdin | |
SBD Samba Outbox | \\sbdout | |
Connecting to Internet
Follow this process to setup the MCG-101 v2 and make sure it is properly working:
Plug in GPS antenna, iridium antenna, WiFi antennas (2x), power.
Connect your device to the WiFi of the MCG-101 v2 when it becomes available.
Navigate to and log in as admin/GSEadmin
To verify that the MCG-101 v2 is properly setup, scroll down to ‘MCG Status’ where you should see:
The IMEI will be populated if modem is working,
The ICCID will be populated if SIM Card is present,
The Signal Status should indicate at least one bar if the Iridium Antenna is working,
The SMS/SIM will read "OK" if the SIM card conditions are met
The NMEA/GPS Status will read ACTIVE if the GPS Antenna is working
- If the ‘Status’ field reads ‘VOID’ or is missing under ‘NMEA Status’ start troubleshooting.
To manually connect to the internet via satellite, under the ‘Network’ dropdown menu select ‘Interfaces’:
Next to the SAT interface click the ‘Start’ button and wait about 1 minute.
The SAT Interface will load for a minute or two
After the interface is finished loading it needs to be validated. Use the following steps to validate:
Under the ‘Network’ dropdown menu select ‘Diagnostics’
Type “” in the first box and click “Ping”.
Try again if it fails
The information below should show once it is finished pinging
System Initialization
The entire system will require three (3) minutes to initialize. The system is ready for operation when the front panel of the MCG-101 displays green lights. see LED behavior charts