
MCG-101 v2 SNMP Functionality

Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP is a widely used protocol for monitoring the health and welfare of network equipment. The MCG-101 provides some limited information over SNMP to query various values. SNMPD is the master daemon/agent for SNMP, from the net-snmp project. For more information on SNMP, see resources below.

SNMP Functionality

SNMPD can be configured to either run over UDP or TCP. The protocol and port can be set in the SNMPD configuration User Interface. SNMPD listens to a variety of GPS and Iridium broadcast messages, and some events that require polling. The behavior, source, and possible delay of each is noted below:

NMP ServiceObject Identifier (OID)FormatSourceInstantaneous /DelayedInstantaneous /Delayed
Real Time Clock1. time acquired from GPS chipset after GPS signal has been acquired. Does require a GPS antenna to be connected NMEA date and time as YY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS. If no fix, then the string 00:00:00:00:00:00
Link Quality1. DPL PortInstantaneousReport last known signal level broadcasted from the Iridium DPL port. Does not force a query, but instead reports the signal level based on what would be displayed on an Iridium handset. Values are 0-5
Lock/Unlock Status1. Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CULK status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy. Values are 0 - not locked (can do SBD), 1 - locked (cannot do SBD), 2 - permanently locked
Error Status1. Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CMEE status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy Values: 0 - disabled, 1 - numeric error reporting enabled, 2 verbose error reporting enabled


OID:. /DelayedInstantaneous /Delayed
GPSInstantaneousReport time acquired from GPS chipset after GPS signal has been acquired. Does require a GPS antenna to be connected NMEA date and time as YY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS. If no fix, then the string 00:00:00:00:00:00
ChildrenFormatDescriptionIridium DPL PortInstantaneousReport last known signal level broadcasted from the Iridium DPL port. Does not force a query, but instead reports the signal level based on what would be displayed on an Iridium handset. Values are 0-5
.6.0stringNMEA date and time as YY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS. If no fix, then the string 00:00:00:00:00:00Iridium Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CULK status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy. Values are 0 - not locked (can do SBD), 1 - locked (cannot do SBD), 2 - permanently locked
.13.0integerLockedIridium Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CMEE status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy Values: 0 - disabled, 1 - numeric error reporting enabled, 2 verbose error reporting enabled
.15.0integerSignal status (0-5)
.16.0integerMobile Equipment Error Reporting state: 0 - disabled, 1 - numeric error reporting enabled, 2 - verbose error reporting enabled


Reference SNMPReference Record for OID
SBD Functionality