XG3780 device
For the driver login/logout logic to work, the device should run this script:
Script Behavior
After the ignition is on, the script will activate the buzzer in 10 seconds, prompting the driver to login by touching their IButton ID (the driver can login without waiting for the buzzer).
Once the driver has logged in, the immobilizer is deactivated and the driver login event is registered in the system.
Upon ignition off the driver log out event is registered and immobilizer is activated.
Script settings (available only via editing the script source code)
new const bool:BuzzerEnabled = true; // When false, inhibits the buzzer output new const BuzzerDelaySec = 10; // Seconds till buzzer output is enabled new const BuzzerOnTimeSec = 1; // Seconds buzzer is on new const BuzzerOffTimeSec = 2; // Seconds buzzer is off new const BuzzerRepeat = 10; // Number of times the buzzer repeats the on/off cycle new const bool:ImmobilizerEnabled = true; // When false, inhibits the immobilizer output
- IN2 - Panic push button (or switch) (1 = ON)
- IN5 - Ignition (1 = ON)
- OUT1 - Buzzer (1 = ON)
- OUT2 - Immobilizer (1 = ON)
- 1-wire - IButton driver ID
GSatTrack Outputs/Events mapping
Outputs (TrackingGpio
TrackingGpio prop | ParsedPayload prop |
AnalogPin1 | BatteryVoltage (Volts) |
AnalogPin2 | Voltage (Volts) |
AnalogPin3 | CanbusRpm |
AnalogPin4 | CanbusFuelLevel |
AnalogPin5 | CanbusTotalFuelUsedL |
AnalogPin6 | CanbusTotalDistanceKm |
AnalogPin7 | CanbusTotalEngineHours |
DigitalIgnition | Ignition |
DigitalPin2 | SignalIN2 (Panic) |
DigitalPin4 | SignalIN4 |
Note. CAN bus parameters are currently unavailable.
Events (TrackingEvent
The remote device only reports its current state, all the events are generated in the server via comparing the current device state to the previous.
Event(s) (AssetEventType ) | Generated by prop (in ParsedPayload ) |
IgnitionOn / IgnitionOff | .Ignition (IN5) |
GPSJammingStart / GPSJammingEnd | .GpsJamming |
CellJammingStart / CellJammingEnd | .GsmJamming |
SeatbeltViolationStart / SeatbeltViolationEnd | .DriverSeatBeltWarning |
Reset | .Reset |
PowerOn / PowerOff | .ModemOn |
MovingStart / MovingEnd | .Motion |
DigitalInput2High / DigitalInput2Low | .SignalIN2 (Panic) |
DigitalInput4High / DigitalInput4Low | .SignalIN4 |