Add Shared Views - Docs


Add Shared Views

Feature Summary

Shared Views enable users to create and share customized views of the GSatTrack platform with other authorized users. These views can include maps, reports, dashboards, or specific data sets that are relevant to particular operations or use cases. The Shared Views feature streamlines communication and collaboration by ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the same information, enhancing situational awareness and operational efficiency.


Shared Views in GSatTrack allow users to customize map configurations based on their specific needs and preferences, and then share these views with other team members. This enables real-time collaboration and decision-making, as all team members can view and interact with the same map simultaneously.

How to Use

How-To: Add Shared Views

  1. Go to Navigation menu and click on “Add Item”
  2. Click on “Add Shared View”
  3. Follow the prompts to fill out both required and optional fields
  4. Click on “Create Shared View” button
  5. Share the newly created “Shared View” via email, social media platforms, or with a private link with desired stakeholders

How-To: Edit Shared Views

  1. Go to Navigation menu and click on “Shared Views” icon
  2. Click on the “Options” icon next to the desired “Shared View”
  3. Choose the desired section to edit and make the desired changes
  4. Click on the “Save Changes” button

How-To: Delete Shared Views

  1. Go to Navigation menu and click on “Shared Views” icon
  2. Click on the “Options” icon next to the desired “Shared View”
  3. Click on the “Delete Shared View” button
  4. Click the “Delete” button on the pop-up window

Additional Information

Key Features

  • Custom View Creation: Users can create custom views by selecting and configuring the specific data, maps, or reports they want to share. This customization ensures that only relevant information is included in the shared view.
  • Data Collaboration: Shared Views facilitate the sharing of real-time data and reports, ensuring that all authorized users have access to the latest information.
  • Access Control: The feature allows administrators to control access to shared views, ensuring that only authorized users can view and interact with the shared data.
  • Efficient Decision-making: Shared Views streamline collaboration, allowing teams to make quicker and more informed decisions based on shared information.
  • Real-time Updates: Shared Views are typically updated in real-time, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the latest information without manual updates.
  • Historical Data Sharing: Some Shared Views may include historical data, providing insights into past events and trends.

Use Cases

The Shared Views feature is applicable in a wide range of industries and scenarios:

  • Fleet Management: Fleet managers can share specific fleet reports and maps with their teams, enabling collaborative decision-making and optimizing fleet operations.
  • Emergency Response: During emergencies, response teams can create shared views to coordinate efforts, track assets, and share real-time information.
  • Asset Monitoring: Organizations can use Shared Views to provide stakeholders with access to real-time asset data and reports, improving asset management and security.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain: Shared Views can be used to track and share logistics data, enabling better coordination in the supply chain.

See Also

  • Shared Views