
Key MCG-101 V2 router settings

Default SettingValueWhere to ChangeSourceInstantaneous /DelayedInstantaneous /Delayed
IP Address192.168.4.1http://, LAN interface, click EditGPSInstantaneousReport time acquired from GPS chipset after GPS signal has been acquired. Does require a GPS antenna to be connected NMEA date and time as YY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS. If no fix, then the string 00:00:00:00:00:00
MCG Web Interfacehttp:// IP Address)Iridium DPL PortInstantaneousReport last known signal level broadcasted from the Iridium DPL port. Does not force a query, but instead reports the signal level based on what would be displayed on an Iridium handset. Values are 0-5
MCG Web Loginadmin/GSEadminIridium Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CULK status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy. Values are 0 - not locked (can do SBD), 1 - locked (cannot do SBD), 2 - permanently locked
root passwordMcgBeyond8181http:// Data PortDelayed, must query Iridium Data portQuery the CMEE status using an AT command that shares the single port between dial up data, SMS, and SBD. The Iridium Data port is first come first serve and this command can be denied if already busy Values: 0 - disabled, 1 - numeric error reporting enabled, 2 verbose error reporting enabled
SBD Samba Inbox\\sbdinhttp://
SBD Samba Outbox\\sbdout
Asterisk GUI URLhttp://
Asterisk GUI Loginadmin/adminhttp://, click “Options” menu on the left, “Change Password” tab at top center.

Testing a Fresh Install

A lot of stuff happens at first boot. It sort-of gets finished around the 5 minute mark, but then screwy things happen, so it’s best to wait about 8 minutes and then and then restart it from LuCI:

  • Step 1) Set a timer for 8 minutes from when flashing completes (if using TFTP mode) or 10 minutes (if upgrading via web interface)
  • Step 2) Visit and log in as admin/GSEadmin.
  • Step 3) After you log in, the Status page will try to load, but it will fail. It’s better to just kill it while it’s still young and innocent than to watch it try to mature into a fully loaded page – which it never will. So as soon as the menus come up, select System → Reboot.
  • Step 4) If this gives you an error message, like something is corrupt, you can ignore it. Just wait another minute or two and click refresh and you should see this:

Just click that friendly blue button.

  • Step 5) Once it comes back up, log in again and go to the status page. Now we’ll see good stuff!

Scroll down a tiny bit...

If all is groovy then you should see the IMEI, ICCID, Signal and SMS/SIM status should be “OK”. GPS should show you the Lag, Lon and Altitude.

  • Step 6) Next, click on Network → Interfaces: You’ll see this for a bit:
  • Step 7) Click the “Start” button for the Sat interface and wait 1 minute

You’ll see this for a bit:

  • Step 8) In order to validate, click Network → Diagnostics, type “” in the first box and click “Ping”. It may fail the first time (because now it’s actually dialing) but after that you should see this result: