
Firmware Update

Please contact support first to determine whether a firmware update may be necessary.

Windows (USB-only)

  1. Install the appropriate driver package.

  2. After installing, you can connect the unit using the USB cable. Windows should load the USB-Serial adapter driver.

  3. Connect to the COM port for the unit using a terminal emulator.

    • To do this, grab a copy of TeraTerm Pro or use your favorite terminal emulator.

    • USB Serial: Go into the device manager on your machine. Under Ports (COM & LPT), you should see something called GSatMicro Serial Port, and the COM port number next to that. Take that number and open the terminal emulator. If TeraTerm Pro, it should show a “New Connection” window by default. Select the “Serial” radio button and then the COM port from the drop-down menu. Click OK. - If the unit is transmitting, you should see lines scrolling past starting with G# and I# (G=GPS, I=Iridium). Otherwise, you may see nothing, or once every 10 seconds, a B# line. You can check that the unit is responding by hitting enter. You should see it show a prompt for each enter that looks like a ">"

    • Leave this open for the moment.

  4. Download the firmware link provided (please contact GSE, support for a copy)

  5. Run the "flash_firmware" script in the extracted folder, it should bring up a window asking you to to issue a command to the unit, don't hit enter yet.

  6. Return to the terminal window and put the unit into firmware upload mode (it will stay in this mode for 30 seconds) by typing:

    • pmu.reboot()
    • (followed by enter)
    • Windows should then try to load the firmware upload driver.
  7. When the driver loading is complete, hit enter in the window for the "flash_firmware" script.

You should see a progress bar as the firmware is uploaded; it should end with something similar to:

state(7) = dfuMANIFEST, status(0) = No error condition is presentstate(8) = dfuMANIFEST-WAIT-RESET, status(0) = No error condition is presentDone!

If the progress bar does not appear and it is unable to find the device, you can close or reopen the serial connection and re-attempt the "pmu.reboot()" command. If other errors are encountered, please contact support.

MacOS X (USB-only)

  1. Download the firmware link provided (please contact GSE support for a copy).

  2. Unzip the file and double-click on flash_firmware_osx. It will display "connect/prepare device to be flashed and press any key," don't press enter yet.

  3. Open a new window in Terminal.app, which was just opened by the script we started (flash_firmware_osx)

  4. Type the following into the new terminal window and hit enter:

~~~ ls /dev/tty.usbmodem* ~~~

5. Now plug in your GSatMicro and run the same command again. Make note of the new entry you see (i.e.: /dev/tty.usbmodem14121), you will need this name later as "device name".

6. Connect to this device using your favorite terminal emulator (kermit, screen, etc..).
